Netflix The Punisher

The highly anticipated Punisher finally hit Netflix. We first saw the Netflix version of the Punisher during the second season of DareDevil. I only heard good things from his introduction to the Netflix Marvel universe, and the people wanted more. I nearly forgot that he had his own show premiering this year and was excited when it was finally released.

The Punisher has had three portrayals over the years, and I think that Jon Bernthal’s is the best. Jon gives the Punisher a new dynamic and not just some bloodthirsty guy killing off criminals. This Punisher seems grounded and has more of a human element to him. The other Punishers were either dry or, their toughness felt very forced. Jon made this Punisher feel like real and very relatable.

I loved the character of the Punisher, but the show was very lackluster. The first few episodes were very dry and were boring. I get that we need story development, but it just takes so long for it to move along. We spend a majority of the time following several different characters which became excessive. Frank Castle barely was the Punisher in this show. I think some of the build-ups to the end were unnecessary just to make the show longer than 10 episodes.

The show did discuss something that’s very important which was PTSD and veterans. I believe that people who serve in the military are not taken care of when they come back home. The Punisher brings the stresses of being in combat and dealing with mental health disorders. It switches the show from being this typical vigilante anti-hero to something real and closer to home for a few people.

If the Punisher gets a second season they definitely need some more of his comic book enemies. A few of the episodes teased a couple of people he could battle, but it can’t be like this season. The next season shouldn’t start off slow again and should throw the Punisher right into the thick of things. I want the next season to be Frank Castle finally doing what he does best.

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